OpenEMR 4.2.0 has just been released!!!

OpenEMR 4.2.0 has just been released!!!

OpenEMR 4.2.0 has just been released!!! 150 150 Tony McCormick

7-22-13 OEMR Logo
New feature list in OpenEMR 4.2.0:
2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR
CMS Portal (Patient Portal via a WordPress Module)
E-Sign Patient Forms and Encounters
Templates for Patient Documents
Track Anything Form
PDF output printing; Patient Label, Patient Address Label, Barcode Label
Modules Manager (supports both ZEND and native modules)
Patient Form Searching
Numerous Layout Based Visit Form Improvements
0 Option, read only, Layout Based Visit Form
A Option, age in years in Date field, Layout Based Visit Form
B Option, age in weeks in Date field, Layout Based Visit Form
P Option, default to previous value, Layout Based Visit Form
Field Skipping feature in Layout Based Visit Form
Source attribute in Layout Based Visit Form
Lab Module Improvements
Patient Education Module Improvements
Billing Module Improvements
Direct Messaging Module Improvements
Log Module Improvements
Supported in 26 languages
Support for most recent ICD9 and ICD10 code sets
Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
Numerous Bug Fixes
It can be downloaded here:
Installation instructions can be found here:
Upgrading instructions can be found here:

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