
Building a viable FOSS and Vendor Eco System

Building a viable FOSS and Vendor Eco System 2560 1572 Tony McCormick

I have the privilege of speaking this year at a few conferences, including the OSEHRA…

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Meaningul Use Flex-IT and Hardship Exemptions

Meaningul Use Flex-IT and Hardship Exemptions 150 150 Tony McCormick

Is case you hadn’t heard …. Flex-IT Act – For those not familiar with this…

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OEMR reaches first fund raising goal for OpenEMR Stage II MU Certification

OEMR reaches first fund raising goal for OpenEMR Stage II MU Certification 150 150 Tony McCormick

The OEMR 501c3 and the community of OpenEMR Developers and Users have been working hard to raise…

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Peace Corps OpenEMR Project Starts Now!

Peace Corps OpenEMR Project Starts Now! 150 150 Tony McCormick

Medical Information Integration. LLC and Ensoftek, LLC are poised to start long awaited Peace Corps…

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New HIPAA rules are effective in less than sixty days

New HIPAA rules are effective in less than sixty days 150 150 Tony McCormick

The HITECH Act’s wide-ranging changes to HIPAA are effective in less than sixty days. Entities…

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Speaking at ACO DataQuest Conference

Speaking at ACO DataQuest Conference 150 150 Tony McCormick

Our President and Director of Marketing will be speaking at the ACO DataQuest Conference in…

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Barcamp Portland 2013 Conference, Day 2

Barcamp Portland 2013 Conference, Day 2 Tony McCormick

Barcamp Portland 2013 Once again Barcamp had an amazing and wild mix of conference offerings.…

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Barcamp Portland 2013 Conference, Day 1

Barcamp Portland 2013 Conference, Day 1 150 150 Tony McCormick

Barcamp Portland 2013 This weekend I am attending BarCamp in Portland.  This event is put…

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